Invited Speakers: |
Title: Data-driven AI services for Smart Buildings: From Application Innovations to Platform Development Speaker: Dan Wang
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong |
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Abstract |
We are at a critical stage in climate change. Countries from all over the world are making commitment in their peak carbon emissions between 2030 – 2050. Energy saving and carbon emission reduction have become a basic demand. Buildings consume 40% of energy world-wide. In cities such as Hong Kong, this number goes to 65%. In this talk, we present how information technologies can contribute to the energy saving of buildings. We present application innovations where information technologies can predict the behaviors of the demand side and the supply side of buildings in much finer granularity. This can help building operations and services to be energy efficient. With the number of applications in smart buildings increasing, managing diverse applications has become a new challenge. We further present the opportunities and challenges of how a software platform should be developed to meet such a need. |
Title: Digitalization of Power Systems and Its Security Implications Speaker: David Yau
Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore |
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Abstract |
In this talk, I will review some current trends in power system digitalization. I will then discuss the resulting cybersecurity vulnerabilities and challenges. Finally, I will overview some case study deployment efforts by power companies and researchers. |
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