Important Dates

July 15, 2023

Workshop Proposal Due

September 01, 2023
September 16, 2023
(Firmed, no extension)
(Anywhere on Earth - AoE)

Paper Submission Deadline

September 30, 2023

Tutorial Proposal Due

October 15, 2023

Author Notification

October 31, 2023
November 10, 2023

Camera-ready and Registration

November 10, 2023

Registration Deadline

December 17-21, 2023

Conference Date


Call for Workshops

The IEEE Blockchain 2023 workshops and symposia provide vibrant opportunities for academic researchers and industry practitioners to share their research experiences, original research achievements and practical development products on specific new challenges and emerging issues related to Blockchain. The themes of the IEEE Blockchain 2023 workshops and symposia should be related to the scopes of the main conference, reflecting to advances in all aspects of blockchain.

The organizers of the workshops and symposia shall have responsibility of soliciting call for papers, forming program committee to review and select papers as well as planning workshop/symposium program. The registration fees for workshops and symposia will be determined by and paid to the main conference other than the workshops or symposia. The main conference will provide workshop/symposium facilities including the working notes printing, meeting rooms, proceedings, etc.

The papers of the IEEE Blockchain 2023 workshops and symposia will be published in the proceedings of the main conference by IEEE CPS (EI Indexed) and collected by IEEE Xplorer Digital Library.

Prospective Workshop Organizers should send a proposal containing the following information to IEEE Blockchain 2023 Workshop Chairs via email by July 15, 2023:

● Title of the workshop/symposium (Full name and Abbreviation)

● Objectives, scope, and contribution to the main conference (up to 1 page)

● Short bio of the key organizers and their experience on conference/workshop organization

● Procedures for selecting papers, plans for advertising call for papers, and intentions for organizing journal special issues if possible

● The expected number of participants

● A tentative list of program committee members

● The workshop website URL address if available

Approved workshops/symposia should strictly follow the Important Dates of the main conference, particularly the Author Notification Date and the Camera-ready Paper Due Date. The submission deadline could be later than that of the main conference. But a workshop/symposium should have sufficient time, say 5-7 weeks, for generating peer reviews. Generally, each paper should receive 2 or 3 peer reviews.

In order to encourage the workshop/symposium organizers, the main conference will also provide the following benefits to the workshop/session organizers: (1) If a workshop will have at least 10 full registrations for accepted papers (excluding those borderline papers transferred from the main conference), then one of the main organizers can choose either to waive one of his or her papers for registrations. (2) If a workshop/symposium will have at least 20 full registrations for accepted papers (excluding those borderline papers transferred from the main conference), then the main organizers can also invite one keynote speaker for the workshop and the conference will provide free registration and travel grant for the keynote speaker.

Look forward to your stimulating proposals and contributions to IEEE Blockchain 2023!

IEEE Blockchain 2023 Workshop Chairs:

Workshop and Symposia Co-chairs

●   Weizhi Meng
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark (

●   Xuyang Jing
Xidian University, China (

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