Important Dates

April 1, 2024

Workshop Proposal Due

May 1, 2024

Paper Submission Deadline

June 6, 2024

Author Notification

July 2, 2024

Camera-ready and Registration

August 19-22, 2024

Conference Date


Call for Tutorial

We seek proposals for tutorial presentations of general interest to the blockchain communities, both academia or industry. All topics relevant to the conference will be considered. Proposals must provide an in-depth and contemporary survey of the chosen area and cover the related literature. Tutorial presenters have the option of describing their own contributions and works, but they should also include a global view in the talk.

Proposals should be targeted for a 2-hour talk. The proposal (maximum 2 pages including everything except biography of speakers) should concisely describe the target audience, the content, objectives of the tutorial, interactive activities (if any) and must include:

1. Title of the tutorial
2. Abstract, objectives, and motivation
3. Intended audience
4. Name and affiliation of each tutorial speaker
5. A description of the issues that the tutorial will address
6. An outline of the tutorial content, including any interactive activities proposed for the talk (if any)
7. If appropriate, a description of the past/relevant experience of the speaker(s) on the topic of the tutorial
8. A description of any previous tutorial experience of the speaker(s), and past versions of the tutorial
9. State if a similar tutorial has been offered in other conferences (last two years) and how the current tutorial proposal differs
10. Short biography of all speakers

If the proposal is accepted, ALL presenters of the tutorial must register for the conference, and present in-person. Online or hybrid presentation is not allowed.


Tutorial proposals should be submitted in a single PDF file, not exceeding 2 pages (including everything except biography of speakers). Please submit your proposal by email to specifying in the mail object the string “[IEEE blockchain 2024 tutorial proposal]”.


●    Tutorial Proposal Submission Deadline: 14th of July 2024
●    Notification of Acceptance: 16th of July 2024


Damiano Di Francesco Maesa, University of Pisa, Italy
Jiangshan Yu, University of Sydney, Australia

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